I had the great opportunity to participate in a one and a half day seminar lead by the great japanese architect Hiroshi Sambuichi.
Yesterday he held a lecture to tell us a little about his work and filosophy. I find his whole thought about making architecture part of the cycles of nature extremely inspirational.
Sambuichi tried to learn us that the earth consists of inert and moving material in a mutual influental relationship and that we should consider all the possible ways we influent the movements of air, water, etc. But it's not as much taking natural phenomenons into account as it's about controlling them and using them to your advantages.
For this short seminar my co-student and I seeked to use and intensify the howling winds at the western coast of jutland. Basicaly our structure consists of a big funnel that leads the winds into a giant organ pipe. We found that leaving the mouth of the pipe the only opening facing south creates a concentration of light at the flue. This emphazises the small space where the sound is actualy generated and makes this a very special area to experience. I can't imagine it's a very pleasant place to stay, but it was really fun and educational to make.
And please excuse the grimey cell phono photos.
Our model |
Sambuichi seminar |
Sambuichi seminar |
Sambuichi seminar |
Sambuichi seminar |
Sambuichi seminar |
Sambuichi seminar |
Sambuichi seminar |